Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Other Ideas for our Anti-Piracy Campaign......

  • Celebrity endorsement
  • Posters
  • Leaflets
  • Radio adverts
  • Put it up on different social networking sites, i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Youtube, Myspace, Bebo, etc.
  • Merchandising, such as: Key rings, hoodies, t-shirts, bags
  • Outdoor events- we could put up street shows, going to different youth clubs and groups, and presenting it to them

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

The Trailer: Our Anti-piracy advert

This is our final copy of our advert.

The objects we used and why we used them:

The mouths - The reason why we used the mouths is because it doesn't show the person's identity. This represents the fact that people who download off the internet, mainly remain anonymous.

Download Bar - Represents what happens when a movie is downloading.

Text at the end - This is to send our message across to the viewer and make the message stay in their heads.

Music - This brings tension to the viewer and the words 'I need a hero', at the end, is almost as if a person in jail, due to piracy, needs a hero to help them get out.

Jail Sound effect - This tells the viewer the outcome of downloading Pirate videos.

When making this video, we did make a few mistakes, but we edited them out. One of the mistakes was that our message at the end is really long. But we edited that and kept the main parts of the message. Also, we added a person saying 'don't' before they actually say 'stop'. But we found an error of the person probably saying 'Don't Stop', which goes against what we want people to do.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Questionnaire Analysis

This is the analysis of the questionnaire that we carried out...

Age Group...


Medium of Media...


How Often???

Aware of Consequences???

Anti-piracy working???


1.            In what age group are you in?
[] 12-18 [] 19-25 [] 26+ and over
2.            Gender?
[] Female [] Male

3.          What medium of media do you relate to the most? Tick as many as you as you like.
[] Music [] Movies [] Posters [] TV Programmes

4.          Do you download movies or music off the internet?
[] Yes [] No
5.            If yes, how often do you download?
[] Once a week [] rarely [] occasionally [] Quite often

6.          Are you aware of the consequences of downloading (illegally)?
[] Yes [] No

7.          Do you think anti-piracy campaigns are working?
[] Yes [] No

Thank You for your time

Planning & Making Part of the Trailer

Tuesday 25th January 2011: Today we did some planning sheets for our anti-piracy trailer. Then as a group we videoed part of our trailer.
Pictures taken as evidence......

Movie Piracy Trailer

Official Anti-Piracy Film Analysis

Tuesday 18th January 2011: Today we discussed about LO3- the actual making of our poster or video or audio clip. We looked at the official anti-piracy film that are shown in cinemas. Then discussed how it is so effective. We then did Contations and denotations on it. Today we also decided, what groups we are going to be in; what each of us is required to do.
My group members

  • Me
  • Agata
  • David
  • Axhel
In our groups we then created a questionnaire.

Conotations & Denotations:
  • Me:-
Camera Angle Shots/Movement/Position
Aerial shot: A guy stealing a TV- it looks as if someone is spying on him.
Zoom/reverse zoom: When the showing the screen of the computer download and the girl- Enphasing the fact that an innocent girl can do such a deed and that it’s wrong.
Low angle: They show a purse hanging on chair in a restaurant, while a man came and grabbed the bag and took it.
Close-up and variations: The computer was showing, that it was downloading and the girl doing it.
Wide shot: At the end of the video when the girl leaves when she’s finished and the computer was just sitting there.
Point of view: When the camera was focusing on the computer downloading, as if the girl is looking at it.
Pan: The camera moving around the girl as she is sitting in front of the computer.                             
  • Axhel:-

Sound effects: Siren – To conflict the crime of a car being stolen.
                        Jail sound – To show the outcome of the crime (Piracy)
                        Gunshot sound – To outline some words when the text comes on screen.
                        Rewind sound – To synchronous with the rewinding of the advert.
                        ‘BOOM’ sound – To outline the word ‘wouldn’t’ in the appearing text.
Theme music/Tune:     Is played throughout the advert.
Sound bridges:            Sound effects such as the Siren bridges the scenes.

  • David

Editing- they pieced together the film with titles as well.

Cut between scenes - Shots cut from between titles to short clips

Long take at the end - There is a long part at the end were the film is blank

Montage of scenes- Their is a build up to the initial point of the film of not stealing movies.


It plays the same roles as a narrator would, it narrates the film

Clips are fast and constant which keeps the audience attention.

Cloverfield Official Trailer

Cloverfield Viral-Campaign

The first trailer debuted in front of Transformers. The trailer surprised and awed the audience because it showed a going-away party of one of the characters named Rob and then an invasion of New York, something that’s capable of decapitating the Statue of Liberty. Also for the fact that it was untitled. This left the audience speechless; fired a spark of interest which ensued a wave of online commentary. Upon researching further about this untitled film, the audience found the official website of the film, This website was occasionally updated with pictures, some cryptic and mysterious, holding the audience’s interest.
Eventually a teaser poster appeared for the untitled movie. The main stream campaign died down for awhile. The direct reason being that it unnamed. This was pretty hard because they were running a mass-awareness campaign for a film whose name was being held as secret.
The main stream audience were to be the pre-disposed to sci-fi type movies. People posted their reactions on their blogs and social networking profiles to the trailers, posters and the new movie website. This obviously spread all over, keeping the audience hyped up about it.
It created a buzz all over the internet. People were obviously drawn to it because of the mysterious unnamed trailer and an unusual on take of a monster-disaster movie. The bloggers and people, who wrote about this movie, commercials and trailers, were the ones selling the movie and creating hype. The campaign for this film was very clever and successful.   

Saturday, 12 February 2011

My Original Idea for Anti-Piracy Trailer

The video starts by people playing different instruments and singing. Everyone is happy and have cheerful faces. There’s going to be some split staging-where there’ll be a few people huddled around a computer, with lots of CDs with them. Looking at the screen and anticipating. This side would be darker in colour, gothic and surreal. The people would suddenly start cheering as something happens on the screen.
As they start cheering, the brighter side start to grey and fade. The happy and cheerful faces stop playing and singing as the greyness spread over them. They sit there grim faced or sad, looking blankly at the camera. As the video is ending, they all say at once “Our talent’s being stolen” or something like that. And fades out. Bombarding with a poster on anti piracy.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Disney Pixar Up Trailer

Disney Pixar Case Study: Up

  • What is the Institution?
The institution is Walt Disney Pictures. It is produced by Pixar Animated Studios.
  • Who are the target audience?
Mainly for kids/children and families. Also for people who like animation movie as such.
  • What are the aims of this Campaign?
The aim of this campaign is to get people all hyped up about it; and for them to go to the cinema and watch it.
  • What media forms are used?
Posters:-  Such as....           

 These images got people wondering, as to what might this film be about........

 Websites:- The movie website is pretty cool. When you go on it, a sky background appears with balloons and a tv on it that plays the trailer of the movie. After when you click the 'Enter the site' button underneath the tv; the home page appears where you can click on the different 'badges' on the left site to explore. There are lots of things 'explore' on the website, such as games, downloads, videos, etc.
Click on the link to go on the website!
  • What techniques and tactics have been employed?
Disney Pixar Animation studios' first movie to be presented in Disney digital 3-D. It's also accompanied by a short film, Partly Cloudy.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Case Study: The Social Network

  • What is the Institution?
The instistution is Columbia Pictures.
  • Who are the target audience?
The target audience are the people, who are interested as to how Facebook was invented. Older teens and adults.
  • What are aims of this campaign?
The aim of this campaign is to get people all hyped up about it; and for them to go to the cinema and watch it.

  • What media forms are used?
Poster:- Such as......

These images got people wondering, as to what the movie might be about.....

Website:- The movie website is used quite effectively. The whole website is a collage of images of  Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerberg; displayed in different ways. By clicking on categories such as about, photos, videos, etc, a load of other set of images appear, where you can go over them with your mouse and click them to find out more are about the film.

Click on the link to explore the website......

  • What techniques and tactics have been employed?
The i-trailer is introduced, as an innovative way for the viewers to interact with the trailer as it's playing. You can click anywhere and anytime on the trailer during the 2 minute airplay and find out fun facts and information about the film, Facebook and Mark Zukerberg's origins. It also gives the viewers links to videos and articles.

The Social Network i-trailer