Tuesday 9th November 2010
In today's session we looked at what psychographics and demographics are. How they are used and help to promote and advertise. We also did a debate on Cadbury's campaign and it was quite interesting. We also looked at different keywords in relation to advertising. Then we went through a film poster analysis and were told to do a film poster analysis of our own.
Key Terms:
- Poster: A form of averts/promoting
- Billboard: Very large adverts, mounted on boards around towns, cities, near roads and busy areas.
- Main Message: The most important message and basic information or message.
- Overt Message: A direct message that can clearly be seen and understood by the viewer.
- Covert/Subliminal Message: Message that is spoken but is implied through action or circumstances.
- Viral Marketing: A means of selling and promoting via word of mouth or Internet.
- Social Network: Connecting with friends and family via Internet, i.e. facebook, twitter, msn, myspace, bebo, etc.
- Demographics: Describing/defining an audience by their social status and income.
- Psychographics: Labelling people in particular group by the way they are, i.e. behaviour, personality, etc.
- Denotion: What is obvious and apparent or heard in media text.
- Connotation: What it suggest to the audience from what they hear or see.
- Enigma: Rhetorical questions
What role does the Media in advertising???
It tries to promote and advertise products in a ways that makes us feel, that being like that or doing something like that, to achieve the goal will give us higher status. It sets a superficial standard.