Monday, 8 November 2010

Comparing Hovis 'Bread' & Cadbury 'Gorilla'

Hovis “Bread” Advertisement
This advert is for staple food and is really complex. It shows us a journey, an adventure, of a young boy travelling through time, 120 years of British History. The subliminal message being that Hovis has been through so much and it’s still “As good today as it’s always been”.
In this Hovis advert, the shots are taken in high speed, to create and emphasise the sense of excitement and adventure. In my opinion, this advert has a mixture of transitions from shot to shot. Some are dissolved in or fade out. The mise-en-scene in this advert is very detailed and accurate. There is no voiceover in this advert, which I think is because to avoid any distraction from the actual advert itself, due to so much is going on. But there is piano playing in the background to go with advert and set the mood. This product is signified by Victorian northern setting and a young boy. It also has references to the iconic 1970s ad and is 'Cinematic'.
This advert could be nostalgic for some people. It’s has an emotional ambience to it that draws us as audience to it and makes us feel good. So it naturally makes us more attracted to the product.

Cadbury “Gorilla” Advertisement
This advert is for a luxury food and the idea for the advert itself is very simple and minimal. The slogan of this advert is “A glass and a half full of joy”.
The beginning shot of the advert, is a general close-up and an extreme close-up. These shots capture the expressions on the gorilla. The speed of the shots starts slow, but picks pace as the gorilla starts playing the drums. The shots fade in and fade out from the beginning to the end. The mise-en-scene of this advert is not detail as the Hovis one; it’s rather simple.
This product is signified by cinematic intro and purple studio. There are references to music video techniques. This advert has no voiceover, though does have the iconic use of 1980s pop track "In the air tonight".